Let's do this! Let's plant trees together!
If you haven't already heard we have teamed up with the awesome 'Luxey Cup' to bring you a seeded card so you can plant a tree, an amazing beautiful Eucalyptus tree.
With every order placed at Luxey Cup you will now find a seeded card tucked inside just waiting to sprout and grow. Imagine if for every order placed a tree was planted! Animals with homes, a cooler planet and richer soils, I say yes to all of this!
If you are lucky enough to already have a Luxey / Seeds for Tomorrow seeded card in your hot little hands it's time to get planting! It only takes 4 easy steps
Step 1. Soak your card in water (preferably filtered water)
2. Place your soaked card on raising (potting ) mix in a medium pot or on a prepared area on the ground) . Go to Bunnings and ask for the best quality mix you can buy within your budget as you're taking this tree planting thing very seriously! Because #thekoalasneednewhomes
3. Lightly cover the card with more soil
4. Water well. Place the pot in a well lit area but not in direct sunlight and ensure the pot is always moist but not soaking, nurture and love until seeds sprout.